Carpe Diem (2016) was written for the Argyle Secondary School Senior Concert Band of 2016. It started with the goal of creating music that would be fun for all parts of the band to play; from loud, brassy trombone parts to a triumphant fanfare of trumpets, from wind runs to percussion swells, the piece is very satisfying to perform.
Due to the triumphant nature of the piece, the school's motto "Carpe Diem" seemed the most appropriate title. With the premiere performance being at the final Senior Music Concert, with myself conducting my peers, the piece was wishing each graduating student good fortune in whatever may come upon them in their coming years. While each of our paths would diverge after graduating, at least at this moment of performance, we were all present in the precious activity of music making. Carpe Diem features moments of noble victories, tender song, and the hope of a new day.
Carpe Diem performed by the Argyle Senior Concert Band of 2016 under the baton of yours truly.